- Regular price
- $2.59
- Sale price
- $2.59 Sale
Tax included.
Borax is an effective, environmentally friendly alternative to harsh chemicals with a wide range of uses around the home.
Product of Australia
How to use
- To soften and freshen laundry - add 1/2 a cup to your load and use less washing powder.
- As an all-purpose cleaner - mix 2 teaspoons of Borax with 2 cups of hot water and shake to blend. Keep it in a spray bottle to clean surfaces.
- Make toilet cleaning easier - distribute a cup of Borax into the bowl at night. Next morning the grime will be loosened and ready to remove with the toilet brush.
- Clean bathtubs and sinks with a paste made from a cup of Borax and 1/4 cup lemon juice. Rub the stain with the paste and rinse with warm water.
- As an insecticide - sprinkle Borax on dog beds, carpets and areas where you suspect fleas, cockroaches and ants. They will be gone in no time.
- Inhibit mould growth - apply a thick paste of Borax and water. Once it's dry, sweep away and rinse.
- Unclog drains - use 1/2 cup of Borax followed by 2 cups of boiling water. Let it sit for 15 minutes then run the water to flush it out.
- Can be used as bath or foot soak - add 50-300gms of Borax per bath or a tablespoon to a foot soak.